Wake up call........
Perhaps today sitting alongside a monk was a sort of wake up call for me to start making the most of my life. Well my mind seemed to be mostly filled up with the negative thoughts leading to instability of mine, mentally and spiritually. He hepled me realize that the real problem was within me and my lack of belief in the gifts that every being possesses. Suerly the mind has a great deal more potential than most of us are currently using. He helped me to realize that i myself possess unique powers and must run my own race i.e. be the least concerned about this materialistic world around me. "There is nothing noble about being superior to some other person. True nobility lies in being superior to ones former self." It doesn't matter what other people say about you. What is important is what you say about yourself. Do not be concerned with the judgement of others as long as you know what you are doing is right and last but not the least be crystal clear about the aim of your life because when one clearly knows what aim he wishes to achieve over the course of his life, and he spends his days accomplishing it, surely he will find the eternal joy. Well the monk or rather the fountain of knowledge summed up by saying......."The secret of success is constancy of prupose"......