
Showing posts from January, 2013

Online grocery shopping

Online grocery shopping in India has come of ages. Recently i had a great experience shopping ration items at great prices @ On time free delivery and accepts Sodexo coupons too, what else could you want. Save all the precious time to enjoy your game of cricket

IT and its obsession with Numbers

Coming soon

Introducing "Rambis", the star....


It Ain't About How Hard You Hit....

“There’s always somebody out there. Always. And when that time comes and you find something standing in front of you, something that ain’t running and ain’t backin up and is hittin on you and your too damn tired to breathe. You find that situation on you, that good, Cuz thats baptizim under fire! Oh you get thru that and you find the only kind of respect that matters in this world, Self respect.” “I stopped thinking the way other people think a long time ago, you gotta think like you think” “What’s so crazy about standing toe-to-toe with someone saying “I am”? “ “The last thing to age on somebody is their heart. “ “It doesn’t matter how this looks to other people, it matters how it looks to you. If this is something you gotta do, then you do it. Fighters fight. ”