Thanx for always bein there
You were faster than me, and I had to work two or three times harder just to keep up.
You were bigger than me, and so I had to stretch and reach for everything. You were stronger than me, so my load always seemed greater.
You were smarter than me, so there was so much for me to learn.
It wasn't always easy, but it taught me to persevere.
It wasn't always fun, but the tears taught me patience.
It wasn't always happy, but sorrow made me determined.
It wasn't always perfect, which made me desire perfection.
After years of following, I found an inner strength that only from enduring a struggle, so I thank you for not pulling any punches, for clearly marking the path to follow, for making it mean something when I won, for being there for the time that you were.
You've been my friend, my enemy, my confidant, my rival, my teammate, my competition, my supporter, my critic, my teacher, my student, my comrade and my foe.
It wasn't always happy, but sorrow made me determined.
It wasn't always perfect, which made me desire perfection.
After years of following, I found an inner strength that only from enduring a struggle, so I thank you for not pulling any punches, for clearly marking the path to follow, for making it mean something when I won, for being there for the time that you were.
You've been my friend, my enemy, my confidant, my rival, my teammate, my competition, my supporter, my critic, my teacher, my student, my comrade and my foe.
Thanks for playing a vital role in my life.......