Wanna be a student leader or a Movie Star...

I bet u will have to rethink about ur decision of not leading the strike at college from the forefront coz. of a fear of being phtographed by the media and bringing shame to ur family(as many think)... but wat happened in case of Yamini Sharma is quite different...
"A college protest over the use of cellphones on campus has put Yamini Sharma on the high road to Bollywood stardom. Whether Bollywood director Satish Kaushik was impressed by Yamini’s bravado as she defied riot police on Chandigarh streets is not known. But he was clearly struck by her beauty. Seeing her picture in The Times of India this week, Kaushik, who was in Chandigarh, hunted her down and offered her the lead role in his next multi-million production. Yamini, whose parents want her to do an MBA, is mulling the offer. "
So wat do u think bout that... do let me know...
Well I guess should stop wasting my time blogging and reading blogs and instead go and hunt down cameras...Wills India fashion week or may be killing/hitting a prof or just kissing some celeb in public