Goodbye Schumi.....

So thats the end of a big chapter in F1. There have been so many discussions in the past over whether Michael is the best F1 driver ever and if anyone asks me that again, I am going to ask them to go and watch his last race (Brazil - 2006) and to answer it to themselves.
His last race says it all for everyone. Even with just about every odd against him, he performed INCREDIBLY great. Conspiracies aside, although I do believe Fisi had a play in the puncture; The Schum did something no other F1 pilot could do. Well its astonishing to see a driver starting 10th going onto 6th then to 18th n finally finishing 4th. Had he not had the puncture, I am sure he would have taken top podium. The ultimate F1 driver showed the world why he is the greatest driver in Formula 1.
Well i've not been a great fan of his, believing that his wins were more of Ferrari's than his but that race of his made be change up my mind. I'll will truly miss him, his style and what he has brought to Formula 1. Schumi, THANKS VERY MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! You will never be forgotten and you will always be respected and known as the best Formula 1 driver, EVER! I hope we see you, but for now ... know that your fans wish you and your family, the very best in your future!
neways we wish kimi gud luk fr the future...