A year long experience/journey/ride: Loved it!

Well time flies, its been quite a while i wrote something here and a lot has changed since then. Yes, Blackberry is still alive and yes, without any Facebook support :P
I am almost nearing the graduation day. Can you believe it almost the end of the year. What a life changing experience and one heck of a ride its been.
Rarely there are experiences that leave you with a feeling of having got a lot more than what you had expected. And surely this experience of Supply Chain Program at Ross has been one of those.
A great bunch of friends and an education that can be matched nowhere. When I chose to come to Ross, I was banking on the program to be more than just a bundle of case studies and courses, and it surely lived up to my expectations. The importance of Tauber internship, as an opportunity to solve real problems in real world with real money can't be stressed more.
Thanks umich for opening up your doors and providing me a great platform.
Go Blue! 


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